Neill Nucifora, currently living in Shelburne, Ontario, had a life-long obsession with...
Natalie Prevost is an award-winning clay artist with a passion for primitive...
English husband and Canadian wife team, Eric and Karen, dreamed of bringing...
Kate Singer, a Toronto-area jewellery artist for over 15 years, has created...
Nazeeg Haneshian, a Toronto jewellery artist, grew up in Cambridge, Ontario, and...
Margot Ridley is a life-long artisan who has created in many different...
The Artist/Designer: Hamro Village, is a “social brand that offers ethical shopping...
Kelly Harrington, currently living in Cambridge, was born and raised in Simcoe,...
Colby Abel is an emerging, and already skilled woodworker based in St....
Alex Galvao, a local artisan, was born and raised in Brazil, and...